Pose 1: Elegant 

Standing 1.0 Straddle-Legged 

: in which the feet are spread to the width of the hips  

w/Arms in triangle 

  1. Handclasp

    1. The Rock beats scissors

  2. Fingerhold

: gingerly touching fingertips 

  1. Handmade

 <pressed together their fingertips to form steeples> – F. Scott Fitzgerald, Absolution, 1924.

  1. One-handed button check

ii. A suitable gesture to have on hand where a jacket is required.

  1. One-handed come through in a clutch

iii. The elegance on hand matched the stance, and a sparkling minaudiere held at the hip line completed the ensemble 

  1. Hand inside pocket

iv. Failing to leave a thumb out is cause to sport laughs at assumption and regularly gives expectation a fierce wedgie

w/Arms in delta salute

  1. Nonmilitary triangle gesture

: Use backhand to frame or fingerpost a strong body part or face feature 

v. Michelangelo’s David holding a southpaw slungshot over the shoulder: Contra open-palmed hand gesturing infra at sexy poses 3(a) and (g)

Standing 1.1 w/Staggered Feet 

: in which the feet are spread to the width of the hips and the toe of one foot is on a line behind the heel of the other foot

vi. the Bonnie Prince

w/Arms in Triangle 

  1. See 1(a)–(g) supra

Standing 1.2 in Contrapposto 

: whereby shifting of the hips to relax the posture would look less formal 

w/Arms in triangle 

  1. See 1(a)–(g) supra

Standing 1.0–1.2 infra 

w/Arms hanging naturally by sides

(x) No hands OK to pose all the above stances since the legs form a triangle 

Sitting 1.3 Straight Ahead of the Camera

w/Arms on lap or overtop knee

  1. Feetfirst

: with the feet foremost 

  1. Crosslegs

: with one leg placed over and across the other

Sitting 1.4 in Profile 

w/Arms on lap or overtop knee

(l)  Brace sidesaddle

  1. Consider it blueprinted down to the last detail: bracing your foot in the stirrup would set feet askew in which the heel to the fore foot, juxtaposing the other heel behind its instep, would display only the tiptoe aft of it in a limited peekaboo or disclosure of a teasing sort

   (m) See 1(j), (k) supra

Sitting 1.5 Off Center of the Camera

w/Arms on lap or overtop knee

(n)  Either inwardly or outwardly aslant 

: a slanting direction: obliquely 

viii. Consider using staggered feet or legs akimbo, see 1.1 supra; 2(g) infra

  1. See 1(j), (k) supra

Pose 2: Cool

Standing 2.0 in Contrapposto

w/Arms akimbo 

  1. Bent, hand-on-hip arm

: Having the hand on the hip and the elbow turned outward

w/Arms in triangle

  1. See 1(a)–(g)

w/Arms crosswise 

  1. To place or fold crosswise one over the other

         // cross the arms

Standing 2.1 w/Splay Legs 

  1. To cause the feet to spread outward wider than the hips

   // He stood with his legs splayed apart 

w/Arms, see 2(a)–(c) 

Standing 2.2 in Sideway Lean w/Cross-Legged Stance

  1. Too cool for school

w/Arms, see 2(a)–(c)

Standing 2.3 in Profile w/Leg Bent Back at Knee and Foot on Wall Behind

  1. Attracting attention to the part striking a pose is a conspicuous success

w/Arms, see 2(a)–(c) 

Sitting 2.4 in Ponderation

  1. Seated in contrapposto communicates an act or the action of pondering

i. Rodin’s The Thinker

 Compare with Arms 1(g) supra

Sitting 2.5 w/Legs Akimbo 

  1. in a bent position

   // a tailor sitting with legs akimbo 

Sitting 2.6 w/Foothold

: an advance or movement made by raising the foot and bringing it down elsewhere

  1. Abide by asymmetrical footing in ascending or descending the footrest step or ladder rung consisting of a riser and a tread to find a foothold in a position useable as a base for further advance

 ii. <new shit has come to light > – The Dude, The Big Lebowski, 1998

Sitting 2.7 w/Crosslegs

  1. Legs crossed and knees spread wide apart

Sitting 2.8 Truss Leg

: leg pose having the form of a prolonged corbel or console as an armrest

  1. Bend the back and head straightforward and inward as if on a hinge (≠rounded downward and forward like a bow) and support the arm on a leg

Lying 2.9 Supine Made Oblique w/Bent Knee Up in Reclining Odalisque

  1. Under the gun? No. Then quit swabbing the poop deck and take it easy down on the ship’s main afterdeck just kicking back in a chaise lounge

Pose 3: Sexy

Standing 3.0 in S Curve

w/Arms turned outward 

// splay elbows

  1. (a)Run fingers thru hair and/or open-palmed soft touch of face or neck

i. Playing an open-palmed hand is the ace of trumps beating every other assumed (standing/sitting/lying) posture to make any pose sexy 

w/Arms tightfisted

(b) Tighten up one’s belt and all manner of dress around the body; take up the slack of a garment or a part of the getup that hangs loose without strain to make your shapely turnout tight or tighter 

// A hired hand refused to cut me some slack on the dress code. 

w/Arms in Self-Hug

(c) Hug yourself with delight to assume sexy sub role (≠hoagie on a sub roll)

ii. Contra self-hugging with hand-wringing (an overwrought expression of concern or guilt) // She hugged her knees to her chest 

(d) Cross the arms to assume characteristic sexy dom or manly role, see 2(c)

 w/Arms Akimbo

  1. Baddie, see 2(a)

Standing 3.1 in Pageantry of Retail Seduction

: sumptuous yet suggestive and not overt

w/Akimbo (akimbo used for the bent, hand-on-hip arm)

  1. Glamour girl/cover boy

iii. Cover of Pose Click Share!

  1. Asymmetrical fashion hands

iv. Staggered, open-palmed hands touching hip and thigh in a fierce, editorial manner (think “jazz hands” you wear instead of wave)

w/Knees-up (akimbo used for any bent position)

  1. a pompous show

v. Portrait of Louis XIV // peacocking influencers

  1. a place for strolling <on the catwalk>

// I’m too sexy for my shirt – Right Said Fred  

  1. those who promenade

  vi. beauty contestants, streetwalkers assuming the role of Sylvia Miles in Midnight Cowboy 

  1. Exhibition: boobies on parade (≠Mardi Gras)

// The male booby may walk around using exaggerated, deliberate-looking leg movements, displaying his bright-blue legs and feet. Actually, his parade is closer to the pick ‘em up and put ‘em down gait of ... scuba divers – Michael H. Robinson 

vii. Compared to the seductive, sometimes disingenuous male booby, the American seemed a boob (=you won’t seem a boob if you walk around like a booby)

w/Arms upraised 

(l) Cut a notch in design and promote the new fashions or boost interests in a campaign, see 1(e) supra

// You’re rocking a cute new top, and that bangle of yours—it’s on fleek.

    <woo-hoo!> – Homer Simpson, The Simpsons

viii. Make no mistake, exuberant delight or approval is not creating beauty. Insomuch that it is impossible to imagine a more ceremonious purpose acknowledging an occasion by festivity <D’oh!>

Lying 3.2 in Odalisque w/Recumbent Legs 

(m) Prone, facing downward

 (n) Supine, leaning or reclining face up

(o) Prostrate, lying flat

(p) Overhead camera angle, lifting head up in decumbency.